Following a long period of uncertainty and postponing of the event date, #TravelMatch could finally be organized as a physical event again! And there is no doubt that the atmosphere was indeed good and everyone seemed happy to meet again!…
Germany «Destination of the Year» at TM22
At TravelMatch Norway 2022 Germany has taken the role as “Destination of the Year”. This means that Germany to a large extent shall be focused during the event, both by being very visible at the venue, including exposure on TV…
TM22: Open for registration of buyers
TravelMatch Norway 2022 is now open for registration of buyers. Here you will have the chance to meet with well over 100 potential partners from a variety of countries, and still we have some more to be added. They are…
TM22 – Open for registration of sellers
It is now opened for online registration of sellers for TravelMatch Norway 2022, which will again return to be a phsycial event held in the Oslo Congress Center. Although the digital event in 2021 gave some possibilities for maintaining the…