It is now possible for sellers to register online for TravelMatch 2021, taking place in Oslo on January 28th. Based on the assumption that it shall be possible to organize physical events, we are welcoming all sellers/suppliers to join us…
Focus on health and security
When planning for TravelMatch 2021 on January 28th, we are indeed committed to focus on health and security, meeting all requirements to avoid any risk for you attending the event. First of all, we do follow the situation constantly to…
Hotel offers for TM21 participants
As always, we have agreed for some hotel offers for those attending TravelMatch. They are in various categories of hotels, to accommodate individual requirements for standard and price. This year we have selected 3 hotels (the same as for TM…
Join us for the 10 years anniversary
TravelMatch 2021 will be the 10th event in a row, based on the concept of holding a B2B event for those working with trips out of Norway. This will of course be focused in various ways! Over this period of…