Many interesting partners


TravelMatch Norway is constantly increasing its popularity, and as in previous years we do not have space for everything who wants to attend, and some partners are therefore still on the waiting list.

Despite of this, we have managed to make room for a record number of partners from various sectors of the travel industry and major parts of the world. Europe is of course dominating, reflecting the travel pattern of the Norwegian market, but a lot of other regions are also attending.

Some partners are attending more or less every year, which means that they are satisfied with the event, but we constantly have new partners registering as well. For TravelMatch 2024 we have several countries being represented for the first time, such as Kosovo, Madagascar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Brazil, but we also have many new companies from countries attending in the past.

For TravelMatch 2024, Poland has the role of «Destination of the Year», which shall be visible in the event, and they are bringing a very interesting delegation.